Today I begin a new journey

This website is designed to let every person feel, listen and hear, the world through my best companion. Look for the gold under each rainbow and explore the treasures of the Rocky Mountains. Manifest Destiny. -N.S.


Book publish date: coming soon


3 thoughts on “Today I begin a new journey”

      1. Written 2014-2017 finished 2018 PUB DATE 12/3/18 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA- N.M.S.
        8/3/17 Copyright, ISBN, Barcode, PCN to LCCN Rec’d 11/27/18 Ready to publish, Ordered a COST Print on Demand from Amazon

        $12.62 for EBook Royalty $4ea
        $55.00 for Print Color Royalty $10ea

        Dedicated to my mother’s peaceful passing 11.13.18 as her birthday gift 12.3.18 from Bonzai and I

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